How To Get Better Advertising Results With Analytics

What is analytics driven advertising? It’s an advertising strategy that is very closely related to what’s going on with your website and your audience.

Proper analytics can provide you with great information about why people are visiting your website and who they are. Knowing where most of your traffic comes from, what pages on your website they are visiting, and their demographics is very powerful for a successful advertising campaign.

I’ve been in online advertising for 18+ years and have seen a lot of changes since the first days of Google. Technology companies were starting up everywhere, going public generating billions of dollars, without any much thought about best practices. It was like our version of the wild west. You could be a multi-million dollar business or home based business owner. You both needed to figure out how to generate leads at the lowest cost and that hasn’t changed.

Data driven marketing strategies can change your business.

With more advertising options out there, analytics driven advertising is being used to get the best results but also doing it in a cost efficient way. The problem with traditional advertising and asking your peers in your industry about what they are doing may not help your company at all. They could sell a product or service that is totally unrelated to what you offer. And even if they do, what works for them won’t necessarily work for you. This is a perfect example of the herd mentality. You don’t want to do something because everyone is doing it. You want to figure out if what everyone is doing makes sense for you or if doing something completely different from the herd is the best option for you.


Read more about how analytics is affecting digital marketing in this Forbes Magazine article.

Here’s another article about data driven marketing fromĀ Think with Google.

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